Soil parameterization

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To develop soil parameterization file, first the depth of the different soil horizons and texture (combination of soil, silt and clay) in percentage is required. This information is general available in soil dataset. The texture information is useful to describe the characteristics of soil water retention curve. The soil texture information (in percentage) is provided as input data to the software component ROsetta inside 'HYDRUS 1D' to understand pedotransfer functions of soils in three different hypothetical pressure scenarios. They are: 0 mbar, 60 mbar and 15,000 mbar. The soil texture is classified according to the specific pore volumes of soil (Scheffer and Schachtschabel 1984).

For example, a soil type A has following depth and texture combination:

Horizon Depth (cm) Texture (Sand,Silt,Clay %)
A Horizon 15 texture (47, 39, 14 )
B Horizon 15 texture (40, 42, 19 )
C Horizon 25 texture (33, 40, 27 )
D Horizon 35 texture (49, 33, 18 )
E Horizon 35 texture (55, 32, 13 )

The texture information needs to be supplied to HYDRUS 1D software to get the water holding capacity of the specific texture combination:

The HYDRUS 1D can be download from the following link: Hydrus1D

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