Tutorial Model Developers
Development of JAMS Components
Installation of a Development Environment
You can download the development environment NetBeans at http://netbeans.org for free. The latest version is NetBeans IDE 6.9.1. Select Java SE, JavaFX, Java or All as NetBeans IDE Download package. In addition, the Java Development Kit (JDK) is required which can be downloaded at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html.
Your NetBeans developer environment looks like this after starting it:
Loading JAMS/J2000 sources from the Internet
The Java sources from JAMS/J2000 and various standard components, including all required libraries, can be downloaded at http://www.geoinf.uni-jena.de/5580.0.html using the link JAMS-2 16-src.tgz.
The following source folders are included:
Setting up Projects in NetBeans
The projects are to be integrated according to the following order:
Step 1 - Integrating the JAMS Project
The JAMS/J2000 sources have to be loaded into the Netbeans. First, the JAMS project is set up. In order to do so, open NetBeans and select New Project under the menu item File.
The following window appears:
Since you want to integrate an existing source code, select Java Project with Existing Source. Click on Next. In the second step, you have to enter a name and a project folder. A project folder is entered as a default but it can be modified. Click on Next.
By clicking on the button Add Folder you should load the following sources into the project:
- JAMSapi
- JAMScommon
- JAMSExplorer
- JAMSMain
- JAMSRemote
- JAMSstarter
- JAMSui
Click on Finish.
In the next step, the required libraries for the project have to be loaded. You can find them in the downloaded source folder under JAMS-2_x-src\ext. (x stands for the version which is currently downloaded but changes over time) Right-click on the JAMS project in the generated JAMS project. Select item Properties.
Select the item Libraries in the right part of the window Project Properties - JAMS under Categories. By using the button Add JAR/Folder the required libraries can be loaded. Load all libraries which are available in the downloaded source folder JAMS-2_x-src\ext.
The JAMS project has been set up.
If you want to compile the project, right-click on the JAMS project and select the item Build and Clean. The JAMS.jar is being generated. In the bottom left window of your NetBeans developer environment you can check whether the process has been successful and where the JAMS.jar has been saved.
Step 2 - Integrating the J2000 Project
Integrate the project J2000 as new project with existing sources as described in step 1. The sources are in directory ...\JAMS-x-src\J2K\src which has been downloaded.
Load the generated JAMS.jar which has been generated in step 1 as a library.
Compile the new project by right-clicking on the project J2000 and selecting the menu item Build and Clean. In the bottom right window of your NetBeans developer environment you should read BUILD SUCCESSFUL.
Step 3 - Integrating the JAMSComponents Project
Integrate the project JAMSComponents as new project with existing sources as described in step 1. The sources are in directory ...\JAMS-x-src\JAMSComponents\src which has been downloaded.
Load the JAMS.jar which has been generated in step 1 as library as well as all libraries (*.jar - files) from folder ...\JAMS-x-src\ext. Bild:Bibliotheken_laden_JAMSComponents.png
Compile the new project by right-clicking on the project J2000 and selecting the menu item Build and Clean. In the bottom right window of your NetBeans developer environment you should read BUILD SUCCESSFUL.
Launching Process Components from the NetBeans
Every process component which has a main procedure can be launched directly from the NetBeans. Jede Prozesskomponente welche über eine Main-Procedure vefügt, kann aus dem NetBeans direkt gestartet werden. As an example, we will launch the JAMSLauncher directly which is described in detail in the tutorial for basic users.
Main Classes
Right-click on the project JAMS. Choose the menu item Properties. Click on run in the left part of the window. Enter as Main Class the class which should be launched during project run. By single-clicking on the button Browse... all Main Classes which are available in the project are shown; these are all components which have a main procedure. Choose jamsui.launcher.JAMSui as an example. Click on Set Main Class. The following window should appear:
Click on OK. Launch the project JAMS by (left-)clicking on the project, the choosing the item run. The JAMSLauncher starts. In this way, various classes with a main procedure can be started.
Development of New Process Components in JAVA
Structure of a Component
Every JAMS process component is structured like this:
1. package name. It is automatically generated by NetBeans.
package org.unijena.j2k.interception;
2. Import of libraries/classes which are required for the process components.
import jams.data.*; import jams.model.*; ...
3. Starting the process component. Every process component starts with a component description. In this way, new metadata of the component can be stored in the source code. It should include information on the component title, the author, version and modification date. In addition, a short description of the component is required.
@JAMSComponentDescription( title="...", author="...", description="...", version="...", date="..." )
public class NewClass {
4. Set of variables with public and private variables. The public variables can be accessed from other classes within a model. For every public variable remarks in the form of Annotations are included in the source code.
The access type (AccessType) JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ (variables are only read), JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.WRITE (variablen are only written) or JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READWRITE (variables are read and written) can be chosesn.
In addition, a short description as well as a measurement unit (if possible) and an upper and lower boundary of the variable is required.
@JAMSVarDescription( access =... , description = "...", unit = "...", lowerBound= ..., upperBound =... ) public JAMSDouble var1; @JAMSVarDescription( access =... , description = "...", unit = "...", lowerBound= ..., upperBound =... ) public JAMSInteger var2; @JAMSVarDescription( access =... , description = "...", unit = "...", lowerBound= ..., upperBound =... ) public JAMSString var3; ... private JAMSDoublr var4; ...
Every JAMS- or J2000-class has the procedures init(), run() and cleanup() available.
5. The init procedure is passed during the initialization of the model.
public void init() throws JAMSEntity.NoSuchAttributeException{ ... }
6. The run procedure is passed during the model run.
public void run() throws JAMSEntity.NoSuchAttributeException{ ... }
7. The cleanup procedure is passed at the end of a model run.
public void cleanup() throws JAMSEntity.NoSuchAttributeException{ ... }
8. Private procedures and functions. These are only available within the process component.
private double funktion1(double var){ ... return ...; }
9. End of process component.
Example of a Complete Process Component
1. Package name
package org.unijena.j2k.potET;
2. Imported libraries
import java.io.*; import jams.data.*; import jams.model.*;
3. Starting the process component. Every process component starts with a component description. In this way, new metadata of the component can be stored in the source code. It should include information on the component title, the author, version and modification date. In addition, a short description of the component is required.
@JAMSComponentDescription( title=""CalcDailyETP_PenmanMonteith"", author="Peter Krause", description="Calculates potential ETP according Penman-Monteith", version="1.0_0", date="2011-04-11" )
public class Penman extends JAMSComponent {
4. Set of variables with public and private variables. The public variables can be accessed from other classes within a model. For every public variable remarks in the form of Annotations are included in the source code.
The access type (AccessType) JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ (variables are only read), JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.WRITE (variablen are only written) or JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READWRITE (variables are read and written) can be chosesn.
In addition, a short description as well as a measurement unit (if possible) and an upper and lower boundary of the variable is required.
@JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "Current time") public JAMSCalendar time; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "temporal resolution [d | h | m]") public JAMSString tempRes; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "state variable wind") public JAMSDouble wind; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "state variable mean temperature") public JAMSDouble tmean; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "state variable relative humidity") public JAMSDouble rhum; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "state variable net radiation") public JAMSDouble netRad; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "attribute elevation") public JAMSDouble elevation; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "attribute area") public JAMSDouble area; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.WRITE, description = "potential ET [mm/ timeUnit]") public JAMSDouble potET; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.WRITE, description = "actual ET [mm/ timeUnit]") public JAMSDouble actET; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, description = "et calibration parameter") public JAMSDouble et_cal; @JAMSVarDescription(access = JAMSVarDescription.AccessType.READ, defaultValue = "0") public JAMSInteger dataCaching; private File cacheFile; transient private ObjectOutputStream writer; transient private ObjectInputStream reader; public final double CP = 1.031E-3; //konstanter Parameter public final double RSS = 150; //konstanter Parameter
5. The init procedure is passed during the initialization of the model.
public void init() throws JAMSEntity.NoSuchAttributeException, IOException { cacheFile = new File(getModel().getWorkspace().getTempDirectory(), this.getInstanceName() + ".cache"); if (!cacheFile.exists() && (dataCaching.getValue() == 1)) { getModel().getRuntime().sendHalt(this.getInstanceName() + ": dataCaching is true but no cache file available!"); } if (dataCaching.getValue() == 1) { reader = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(cacheFile)));//new FileInputStream(cacheFile)); } else if (dataCaching.getValue() == 0) { writer = new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(cacheFile))); } }
6. The run procedure is passed during the model run.
public void run() throws JAMSEntity.NoSuchAttributeException, IOException { if (dataCaching.getValue() == 1) { this.potET.setValue(reader.readDouble()); this.actET.setValue(0.0); } else { double netRad = this.netRad.getValue(); double temperature = this.tmean.getValue(); double rhum = this.rhum.getValue(); double wind = this.wind.getValue(); double elevation = this.elevation.getValue(); double area = this.area.getValue(); double abs_temp = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_absTemp(temperature, "degC"); double delta_s = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_slopeOfSaturationPressureCurve(temperature); double pz = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_atmosphericPressure(elevation, abs_temp); double est = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_saturationVapourPressure(temperature); double ea = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_vapourPressure(rhum, est); double latH = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_latentHeatOfVaporization(temperature); double psy = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_psyConst(pz, latH); double G = this.calc_groundHeatFlux(netRad); double vT = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_VirtualTemperature(abs_temp, pz, ea); double pa = org.unijena.j2k.physicalCalculations.ClimatologicalVariables.calc_AirDensityAtConstantPressure(vT, pz); double tempFactor = 0; double pET = 0; double aET = 0; if (this.tempRes.getValue().equals("d")) { tempFactor = 86400; } else if (this.tempRes.getValue().equals("h")) { tempFactor = 3600; } else if (this.tempRes.getValue().equals("m")) { tempFactor = 86400; } double Letp = 0; Letp = this.calcPM(delta_s, netRad, G, pa, CP, est, ea, psy, tempFactor, wind); pET = Letp / latH; aET = 0; //converting mm to litres pET = pET * area; //aggregation to monthly values if (this.time != null) { if (this.tempRes.getValue().equals("m")) { int daysInMonth = this.time.getActualMaximum(time.DATE); pET = pET * daysInMonth; } } //avoiding negative potETPs if (pET < 0) { pET = 0; } this.potET.setValue(pET*et_cal.getValue()); this.actET.setValue(aET); if (dataCaching.getValue() == 0) { writer.writeDouble(pET*et_cal.getValue()); } } }
7. The cleanup procedure is passed at the end of a model run.
public void cleanup() throws IOException { if (dataCaching.getValue() == 0) { writer.flush(); writer.close(); } else if (dataCaching.getValue() == 1) { reader.close(); } }
8. Private procedures and functions. These are only available within the process component.
private double calcPM(double ds, double netRad, double G, double pa, double CP, double est, double ea, double psy, double tempFactor, double wind){ double fu = (0.27 + 0.2333 * wind); double Letp = (ds * (netRad - G) + (pa * CP * (est - ea) * fu)) / (ds + psy); return Letp; } private double calc_groundHeatFlux(double netRad) { double g = 0.1 * netRad; return g; }
9. End of process component.
Integration neuer Prozesskomponenten in JAMS oder J2000 Bibliotheken
Um Ihre entwickelte Prozesskomponente den bestehenden JAMS oder J2000 Komponenten hinzuzufügen, erstellen sie ein neues *.jar des Projektes, indem die Komponente liegt. Klicken Sie dazu mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Projekt und wählen Sie den Punkte Build and Clean. Binden Sie dieses *.jar nun als Bibliothek ein, so enthält diese Ihre neue Komponente.