Contents |
General structure
The XML definition will be used to automatically create all views on the dataset (overview, detailed view, search view, edit/new view) and all SQL queries in the background. All attribute elements with given position (group and order) will be displayed except of no-matching cond-condition attributes.
Detailed description
- basedir: set to : ".."
- name: not in use
- title: not in use (Headline in old Layout)
- template (true|false): Enable function to save content as template
- parent: Parent XML-file (will be used to manipulate log entries)
<view basedir=".." name="variable" title="c_person_headline" parent="c_person_org" template="true">
Controls the actions executed on the XML-file
- read (true|false): view activities
- write (true|false): write activities
- delete (true|false): delete activities
<rights read="true" write="true" delete="true"/>
- name: Identifier of the dataset. "md_metadata_id" should be used if available.
<id name="geodata.md_metadata_id"/>
- name: Internal name of the group (g + number). The number defines also the order of display.
- title: Group name (headline of group) replaced by translation id.
<group name="g0" title="geodata_g0"/> <group name="g1" title="geodata_g1"/> <group name="g2" title="geodata_g2"/>
The map-section describes if and how geometry information or displayed and linked to maps.
- layer
- id: Identification ID (should be equal to view -> id)
- layer_type (station|map): type of given geometry (station = point; map = bounding box)
<layer id="dsstation.md_metadata_id" link_type="station"/>
At least there is one section necessary to describe in which columns the geometry is located and to add rules to which layer the dataset should be linked to (RBISmap)
- layer
- name: name of target layer (RBISmap)
- title (station|map): not used
- id: Identification ID (must equal to view -> id)
- geometry:
- type (point|bounding_box): Type of geometry
- spat_ref_sys: Database field with SRID
- source:
- contains: Database field (part of geometry)
- ref: Refers to part of geometry
- source:
- metadata:
- column
- contains: Database field with datase name
- conditions:
- sql: SQL statement to define association rules
- geometry:
Example 1 (bounding box):
<map> <layer id="geodata.md_metadata_id" link_type="map"/> <display_link title="geodata_display_link"/> <layer name="bounding_box" title="Teststation" id="dsstation.md_metadata_id"> <geometry type="bbox" spat_ref_sys="map_srid.srid"> <source contains="geobndbox.westbl" ref="west"/> <source contains="geobndbox.eastbl" ref="east"/> <source contains="geobndbox.southbl" ref="south"/> <source contains="geobndbox.northbl" ref="north"/> </geometry> </layer> </map>
Example 2 (station coordinates with association rules):
<map> <layer id="dsstation.md_metadata_id" link_type="station"/> <layer name="station_precip" title="Teststation" id="dsstation.md_metadata_id"> <geometry type="point" spat_ref_sys="map_srid.srid"> <source contains="dsstation.latutm" ref="lat"/> <source contains="dsstation.longutm" ref="long"/> <source sql=""/> <source file=""/> </geometry> <metadata> <column name="statname" contains="dsstation.statname"/> <column name="fp_featpar" sql="SELECT featpar FROM ds_otherpar left join fp_featpar ON ds_otherpar.fp_featpar_id=fp_featpar.fp_featpar_id WHERE dsstation_id = ".$result["dsstation.dsstation_id"].""/> </metadata> <conditions sql="dsstation.dsstation_id IN (SELECT dsstation_id FROM ds_otherpar WHERE dsstation_id = ".$result["dsstation.dsstation_id"]." and fp_featpar_id=12027014) "/> </layer> </map>
- title: Headline (e.g. Edit dataset:)
- ref_id: Identifier (e.g. metadata.md_metadata_id)
- change (true|false): Display link
- change_view : Reference view for action.
- change_ov (true|false): Display link in overview
- change_title: Title replaced by translation id (e.g. Edit).
- delete (true|false): Display link
- delete_view : Reference view for action.
- delete_ov (true|false): Display link in overview
- delete_title: Title replaced by translation id (e.g. Delete).
- add (true|false): Display link
- add_view : Reference view for action.
- add_ov (true|false): Display link in overview
- add_title: Title replaced by translation id (e.g. Add).
Example 1:
<edit title="c_person_edit_title" ref_id="respparty.ci_respparty_id" change="true" change_ov="false" change_title="c_person_edit_change_title" delete="true" delete_ov="false" delete_title="c_person_edit_delete_title"/>
Example 2 (with "add" & reference view):
<edit title="adm_select_dropdown_edit_title" ref_id="app_view_dropdown_ids.app_view_dropdown_ids_id" change="true" change_ov="false" change_title="adm_select_dropdown_edit_change_title" change_view="adm_select_dropdown_edit" delete="true" delete_ov="false" delete_title="adm_select_dropdown_edit_delete_title" delete_view="adm_select_dropdown_edit" add="true" add_ov="false" add_title="adm_select_dropdown_edit_add_title"/>
Activate the possibility to add files to a dataset (only possible if the dataset has a global identifier (md_metadata_id))
- title: not used (Title in old Layout)
- ref_id: Identifier to associate Documents
- ref_view_name: Reference view name if not identical with XML name
Example 1:
<document title="geodata_document" ref_id="metadata.md_metadata_id"/>
Example 2 (XML only for search):
<document title="station_search_document" ref_id="dsstation.md_metadata_id" ref_view_name="station_meta"/>
- edit:
- overview:
- name: table name in the database
<table name="metadata">
- cond: name of condition (if the name is not set in the config.php, the table will be ignored. The cond-attribute must be also set in the attribute and join element.)
config.php: $conditions["workgroup"] = 1;
<table name="fp_featpar_all2" cond="workgroup">
<table name="metadata"> </table>
- cond: name of condition (if the name is not set in the config.php, the attribute will be ignored. The cond-attribute can/must be also set in the table and join element.)
<attribute cond="workgroup" name="featpar" title="geo.... />
- pk
- type
- default:
- dateformat:
- check:
- link_id: Specifies the ID used for the link
- link_view: Specifies the target view
- link_target: Define the target php-file. The default target is view.php
- size:
- sort:
- depend_on:
- depend_on_rule_table:
- required:
- update:
- filter: true -> display selection list on overview column
- group:
- order:
- overview:
example: Primaray key
example: Selection list
example: Date
example: Link
link_id="int_method_set.int_method_set_id" link_view="int_method_set_list" link_target="overview.php"
example: Dependency
<attribute name="unit" title="ts_timeseriesfeature_uomunits_all_unit" default="" type="text" size="measured_group" group="g0" order="3" update="dropdown" required="mandatory" overview="3" depend_on="fp_featpar_all.featpar" depend_on_rule_table="app_depend_featpar_uom"/>
- cond: name of condition (if the name is not set in the config.php, the table will be ignored. The cond-attribute must be also set in the table and attribute element.)
<join cond="workgroup" from_table="geodata" ... />