URL: http://riker.geogr.uni-jena.de/webhru
webHRU is an update of the former HRUweb tool described here. While the main delineation steps have remained unchanged, the user interface and processing routines have been reimplemented. The following points must be taken into account when using the system:
- All input datasets use the same UTM projection.
- The gauging station data must be provided as a zipped Shapefile with the following properties:
– the Shapefile’s name is identical to the ZIP file’s name
– the ZIP file does not contain any directories, but only the Shapefile files
– the Shapefile includes an integer attribute named “id” (case sensitive)
– the “id” attribute contains a unique station id which is larger than zero - During steps 1 and 4, user inputs to the map need to be transfered to the respective input fields by pressing the “Subregion from Map”/”Positions from Map” buttons before the “RUN” button is pressed.
- Input buttons may not be responding if the width of the web-browser window is too narrow. In order to avoid this problem, please use the browser in fullscreen mode. Alternatively, toggle your browser’s zoom percentage.
- In step 4, the station locations need to be positioned on the stream network in order to generate the respective sub-catchments. This is achieved by
– zooming in close to the gauge (one at a time)
– clicking to the gauge in order to enable it (point border becomes white)
– dragging the point to the desired location on a river segment
If the subbasin is missing for some gauge as the result of this step, please toggle the position of the gauge slightly (moving it to either end of the related stream segment) and run the step again. Stations that should not be considered need to be moved to a position outside the main basin. After stations have been positioned, button “Positions from Map” has to be pressed. - After successful delineation, the results can be downloaded from the list in the “Info” panel. The resulting file names need to be manually modified as per previous tools to be used in JAMS.