Improvements to JAMS Components
- added new component jams.components.aggregate.LongTermAggregation for calculating long-term sums or averages
- added new component jams.components.gui.CategoryPlot that creates a graphical plot of category data, e.g. to compare attributes of different model entities
- added various components for SMDI/ETDI calculation (
- added component jams.components.calc.EventCounter that allows counting the occurrence of certain states in a model (e.g. SMDI < -3.5)
- fixed minor bug in jams.components.gui.CategoryPlot
Updated J2K example model
- added components for long-term temporal aggregation and output
- added components for Shapefile output of results
- replaced efficiency calculation component by more versatile version
- added category plots for efficiencies and water balance
Improvements to JAMS Optas
- addeed optas.sampler.FileListSampler that allows sampling over a list of given parameter values read from a file
- fixed minor bug in Efficiency Configurator
Improvements to JAMS Main
- added option to use minutely time steps