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Free input data

SRTM elevation

  • resolution: 90 meter
  • CRS: EPSG:4326 - WGS84

Corine Landcover

  • resolution: 100 meter
  • CRS: EPSG:3035 - ETRS89

Download the CLC 2006 - 100m dataset from The resulting GeoTiff file you can load into QGIS. Use Raster > Extraction > Clipper to cut in advance. Extent coordinates of x1:4311011.14124, y1:3172437.46652, x2:4508461.13837 and y2:3009522.44988 would be a good choice in order to keep the area of Thuringia. At the end, reproject to the target spatial refernce system (Raster > Projections > Warp) - in our case EPSG:32632 (WGS84/UTM zone 32N).

Result: tbd

Harmonized World Soil Database

  • resolution: 100 meter
  • CRS: EPSG:4326 - WGS84

From download the zipped raster in ESRI BIL format (unzipped about 1.8GB!). As the format is supported by GDAL you can open it in QGIS and cut it afterwards (like landcover map above) - Pay attention to source projection (WGS84) when cutting and transforming the map extract (e.g. Thuringia again) to desired reference system.

HNZ Gauging stations

Search for gauging stations Rappelsdorf and Hinternah and create a simple text file that contains at least the station coordinates and a whole-number identfier. A header line is advised:

id, name, lat, long
42151, Rappelsdorf, 50.49646395, 10.72495857
42160, Hinternah, 50.51864038, 10.79306017

Using Layer > Add delimited text layer in QGIS, you can easily import the stations as a layer and convert it into a Shapefile as required by GRASS-HRU: Right-click on imported layer and save it to a new Shapefile. Do not forget to specify the desired target coordinate reference system, here EPSG:32632 (WGS84/UTM zone 32N).

Result: tbd

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