Parameter files with type information

Parameter files are usually read in JAMS with the StandardEntityReader component which is part of the J2000 repository. This component interprets all data as Doubles or String values. In order to allow for more complex data types to be provided in parameter files, I extended this component and added a new article describing how to make use of this new feature. Please have a look here.


Hello JAMS

In the last weeks the JAMS framework were extended by some new exciting functions. The JAMS-Cloud feature was introduced to the JAMS Component Editor (JUICE) and the JAMS Data Explorer (JADE). These functions offers remote model simulation within the JAMS-Cloud. Additionally, very useful components are constantly added to the JAMS component repository (e.g. a component for arbitrary aggregation of temporal data).

The JAMSBlog will inform developers, modelers and model users and people interested in the JAMS framework about new functions and components. Small tutorials will show how to use those functions and components. The blog will give best practices to solve frequent problems and it will present interesting applications and discussions.

If you like to see a specific issue in this blog, please let me know. If you want to contribute to this blog with your own JAMS experiences, it’s highly appreciated.
